Category: Uncategorized
Yona wins the Norma Slepecky Undergraduate Research Prize
Congratulations to Yona for this great honor! Read more about it here! .
Yona is a Meredith scholar!
Congratulations to Yona! For more information, read here.
Yiran and Holly attend 32nd Gibbs Conference
Yiran Yang, a third-year grad student, was selected to present a talk, and Holly Jones, a first-year grad student, presented a poster on UBQLN2. Congratulations to both!
Jules and Thuy write a preview for Molecular Cell!
Junior undergraduate Julia Riley and postdoc Thuy Dao wrote a preview on the Mittag group’s work on liquid phase separation of SPOP, a substrate adaptor protein for cullin3-RING ubiquitin E3 ligase, and its ubiquitination substrates. See our preview Riley et al. – 2018 and a link to the original paper here.
The lab received a NSF CAREER Award!
We received this award to continue our studies of ubiquilin phase separation. Read more about the award here.
Stay tuned for updates to lab website!
We have been very busy over the last year. Revamped lab research pages are forthcoming…
Carlos receives two grant awards
Over the summer, the lab received two awards: a Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award towards work on a ubiquitin-like protein, and an ALS Association starter grant for work on the ubiquilin protein, known to mediate both proteasome-mediated degradation and autophagy processes in the cell. See the full story here!
Yona wins a SU Biology summer research fellowship!
Freshman Yona Lei has just received a SU Biology fellowship to conduct summer research in our lab. Congratulations Yona!
Ismael wins a LSAMP summer research fellowship!
Our sophomore, Ismael Gonzalez, has just won a prestigious LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation) fellowship to conduct research in our lab over the summer. Congratulations Ismael!
Our new paper on K27-linked polyUb chains in Structure!
Our work on K27-linked diubiquitin chains was just published in Structure! Read the paper here.